Sunday, April 18, 2010

APL Confronts Fear

Prior to today, APL had no interest in the ocean. Well, that's not exactly the case. In fact, he was terrified of it. He would run from any sign of water movement - be it an inch of water or much less.

Today at La Jolla Shores was no different. His friend Maya (a little younger than APL) was playing in the water with her father. She wasn't even aware of the waves splashing over her feet. Our son, on the other hand, would run for his life if he detected even a hint of water on the move. Coming from exceptionally brave parents, this has been the source of some puzzlement [cue laugh track].

But APL must have taken notice of Maya's immense courage and mustered up a bit of his own. After 20 or so minutes running from this dire threat, he stood his ground. He let about a millimeter of water touch his feet... and then ran for dear life. I must say I was impressed. But I certainly did not expect what was to come.

Ten minutes later, he was letting a centimeter touch his feet before sprinting to safety. And then he allowed 2 and 3 centimeters. And then he ran INTO the water. And then he jumped over a tiny wave. And then he ran kicking and laughing through the ocean as the waves came in. And then he fell down in the water and got back up and started running some more. And jumping. And splashing.

Yes, it took APL about an hour to go from running in shear terror when even the shadow of water would inch up the beach... to running head-on into waves cresting at his waist. And he was ecstatic throughout it all. Laughing... crouching in joy and then jumping... APL discovered that he loves the ocean. And he experienced the shear joy of overcoming fear. Fun day for Papa. Awesome day for APL.


  1. What a wonderful account of a very big day. Thanks for sharing this!
    xo Marcia
